Dixie Electric is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative incorporated in 1938, serving approximately 39,000 endpoints in a seven-county area in southeast Mississippi. We employ almost 100 employees and we are committed to powering communities and empowering lives.
Dixie Electric uses a number of enterprise software applications to improve productivity, performance and delivery of service to our members. Those applications cover core business functions such as accounting, customer information management, outage response, modeling our distribution grid, and meter data management. One of the key methods for maximizing productivity and performance is to leverage interoperability between those enterprise applications, and MultiSpeak is the interoperability standard of choice for our enterprise software systems.
Dixie Electric has enjoyed the benefits of the MultiSpeak standard for years, and we are very excited to join the MultiSpeak consortium to contribute to the future of the standard and to help evangelize the many benefits of MultiSpeak to the cooperatives, software developers, and end users that comprise the utility industry.