- the MultiSpeak name and
- the MultiSpeak “three-boomerang” design
These trademarks often appear together, but they sometimes appear independently of one another. When they appear together, they form the basic MultiSpeak logo. This logo is used only when referring to the MultiSpeak Initiative. In the logo the boomerang design is always shown at the upper left of the MultiSpeak name. When referring to a specific version of the MultiSpeak specification, the version number appears to the right of the word MultiSpeak and after the registration symbol ( ® ).
There are several other MultiSpeak logos, which we will refer to in this document as the Vendor/Product Logos, that incorporate the MultiSpeak trademarks. The Vendor/Product Logos may be used to identify developers and vendors or specific products, as appropriate:
Logos that refers to the MultiSpeak Initiative.

Version specific product logos for use with tested products only.

Product has been tested to prove that the product conforms to the required portions of the Version 2.2 MultiSpeak Specification

Product has been tested against another product to verify that the products jointly support the interface functionality that was documented in an assertions document.

Product has been tested against another product to verify that the products jointly support the interface functionality that was documented in an assertions document.
Vendor Logos